Reachable states in quantum phase estimation
A famous, basic algorithm in quantum computing is the quantum phase estimation algorithm. We can see the algorithm as a quantum query algorithm 1 for oracles $O_d=\ket{\mathrm{idle}}\bra{\mathrm{idle}} + d\ket{\mathrm{v}}\bra{\mathrm{v}}$, where $d\in\mathbb{C}, \lVert d \rVert = 1$ is the eigenvalue to be estimated - for discretization purposes, we choose $|D|\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ and assume $d$ is a $|D|$th root of unity, $d\in D$ with $D:=\left\{d\mid d\in\mathbb{C}, d^{|D|}=1\right\}$. ↩